Job Seeker FAQs

What is like to find work with a healthcare recruitment agency like AlliedUP?

Have questions?
Here are your answers

What do I need to do to start working with AlliedUP Co-op, an allied healthcare staffing and recruitment agency?

To explore the job opportunities we currently have available, visit our job board or contact one of our healthcare job recruiters.

How will AlliedUP’s healthcare job recruiters help with my job search?

Our recruiters will listen closely to your background, work experience, job requirements, and short- and long-term career goals. Then, we’ll use our vast employer network and state-of-the-art recruiting methods to connect you with a healthcare opportunity that checks all the boxes.

Does AlliedUP charge a fee for job placement services?
No. AlliedUP does not charge candidates, and you don’t owe anything for taking advantage of our job placement services. We earn a commission from our clients, so you are not charged fees for choosing to work with us.
What types of jobs does AlliedUP offer?

AlliedUP offers a variety of healthcare positions, including but not limited to:

  • Medical Assistants
  • Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVNs)
  • Sterile Technicians
  • Medical Technicians
  • Pharmacy Technicians
  • Radiology and CT Scan Technicians
  • Phlebotomists

To view currently available positions, visit our job board.

What are the differences between a traditional healthcare recruitment agency and AlliedUP’s cooperative regarding job placement?

AlliedUP puts your interests and preferences first – if you’re happy, everyone’s happy. We focus on helping you fulfill your career goals.

Additionally, AlliedUP provides ongoing support with regular check-ins to ensure you’re treated with respect and dignity, loving your experience, and building a healthcare portfolio of success stories. As an SEIU-UHW allied healthcare employer, AlliedUP provides unprecedented benefits, union wages, professional development, and continuing education, including resources from The Education Fund for eligible employees.

Are there any membership requirements or obligations for job seekers who want to work with AlliedUP Cooperative?

As a union-affiliated cooperative, our workers become members of the SEIU-UHW, California’s allied healthcare worker union. Workers also become members of the co-op after 160 hours of work and dues are currently being waived as we grow our community.

Does AlliedUP offer any unique job opportunities or benefits through the cooperative that I wouldn’t find elsewhere?

Yes! We are the only Worker-Member owned employer in the staffing industry. There are many other union employers in healthcare, we are the only cooperative. When you join our cooperative, you will have a stake in the company. This means you attain:

  • Ownership in a democratically led cooperative
  • Voting rights in important company decisions
  • Leadership opportunities as part of the Board of Directors

We specialize in allied healthcare, so we are hyper-focused as experts in the field, committed to finding you only the best possible opportunities.

Your Job Search Partner.
Your Career Ally.